Friday, 25 October 2013

Can you believe people make stuff from my blog!?!

I've been blogging for over a year now, and I'm loving it.  I love that I get to share design ideas that I have, I love that I get to document my journey of learning to sew and craft and create, and I absolutely love it when people care to actually read my ravings.

But, this takes the cake … when someone who I don't know, from the other side of the world contacts me to share what they have made using my design.  How fantastic is that!!! *Happy Dance*

The lovely Tasha emailed me a few weeks ago to share the absolutely mind-blowingly gorgeous Winter PJ's she made for her little girl using my tutorial.  Aren't they awesome ….

What's also awesome about this is that Tasha tells me she was feeling somewhat nervous and unsure about doing buttonholes, so she changed up the design to better suit her skills … she put the opening of the bodice at the back instead of the front, and used a tutorial from another blog (a blog which I LOVE) to help her learn to use a button and loop to close the opening at the back.  What great thinking, and isn't that the fabulous part about sewing … if you don't like or feel confident with something, you just change it up!

So thanks so much Tasha for emailing me, and chatting about our super-old sewing machines and how they're special 'cause they've been passed down to us from other special ladies in our lives.  And thank you also for letting me share your beautiful project here.

Has anyone else made anything using one of my tutorials.  I have managed to post 15 sewing/crochet tutorials so far. I would absolutely love to hear if you have made one of them. So drop me an email any time, and send me a pic if you can!  I might even do a post to showcase them if I get enough responses!

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